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Case Sciarroni – Notaresco I-64024 Teramo (TE) – ITALY

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Privacy Policy


Cubo Design S.R.L., with registered office in Via Dell’Industria, C.da Stracca, 64032 Atri (TE) Italy , VAT Registration Number  01579900679 (hereinafter “The Holder”), as ownership, informs you that in compliance with article 13 of UE General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”)your personal data will be handled as  follows:


Subject of Treatment

The holder will handle all personal and non sensitive data (as an example though not exhaustively: name, family name, company’s name, address, telephone number, email – hereinafter “personal data”) provided by the users upon registration on the Holder’s website (hereinafter, “Web”), all data regarding the participation to surveys, forms compliance to events organized by the Holder through the Web, online clarification, support request and the sending of newsletter.

Purpose of Data Processing

Your data will be processed:

  1. A) without the user’s explicit consent by art. 6 lett. b), e) GDPR), for the following purposes:
  • To administer and maintain the Web.
  • To enable you to enjoy the Services requested by the users.
  • To participate through the Web to events organized by the Holder.
  • To process a contract application request.
  • To comply with the obligations laid down by the Law.
  • To prevent and identify fraudulent practices or any harmful abuse to the Web.
  • To exercise the Holder’s rights.
  1. B) Only with the user’s prior consent (art. 7 GDPR), for the following purposes:
  • Optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails, surveys or invitation to events organized by the Holder

Legal Basis

Granting of data   is mandatory in accordance with the legal  and contractual obligations, therefore the refusal to provide them can result in a denial of the requested services.  The Company  processes the data provided voluntary by the user on the basis of the consent, namely with the explicit approval of this privacy policy.

Processing Methods

Your personal data is processed under the article 4 n.2) GDPR,  particularly: collection, registration, organization, conservation, consultation, processing, modification, selection, mining, comparison, use, interconnection, communication, cancellation and data destruction.

Your personal data are processed automatically or on paper through cloud computing administered by


The Holder has adopted a wide range of measures to prevent your data from loss, abuse or modification. In particular those refers to Art . 32 GDPR;  it uses encryption technology established by the Standard AES (BCrypt) and  by the data protection procedures known as HL7 and HTTPS; Conforming with the Standard ISO/IEC 27000, WG3 E WG4.

Data Access

Your data will be made accessible for the purposes set out in Article 2.A) and 2.B):

  • To employees and Holder’s associates in their capacity as responsibles of treatment and/ or system administrators.
  • To third parties or other entities carrying out outsourcing activities on behalf of the Holder as responsibles of treatment.

Data Communication

The Holder might communicate your personal Data without your express consent (art. 6 lett. b) and c) GDPR)t to the Surveillance and Judicial Authorities as well as to the other stakeholders to which the communication is mandatory by law. Your Data will not be published.

Data Transferability

The Data administration and conservation will take place in Europe  on servers hosted in Italy  and owned by the Holder or third parties duly appointed as Responsibles of treatment.


Optional providing Data and consequences of refusal

Granting of Data is mandatory  for the purposes of Article. 2.A) . In their absence, we will not be able to guarantee the registration to the Web or the services  referred  Article 2.A).

Granting of Data for purposes of Article 2.B) is optional. You have the right to refuse to grant any data or treat those already provided: in this sense, you will not receive any invitation, newsletter or survey via mail. In any case you will be entitled to the services for the purpose of  Article 2.A).

User Rights

Under the European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and the Italian Rules , the user is entitled to exercise their rights for the purpose of Article 16 (Right to Rectify), 17 (Right to Deletion), 18 (Right to Restriction of Processing) 19 (Notification obligation regarding rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing), 20  (Right to data portability), 21 (Right to Object) and 22 (automated individual decision making) .
The exercise of rights such as the right to deletion and object will be limited by the applicable fiscal legislation.

In order to exercise the rights  laid down in the Articles from  15 to 22 of the European  Regulation 679/16, the user might submit specific written request to  Cubo Design S.R.L., Via Dell’Industria, C.da Stracca, 64032 Atri (TE) Italy or email to:


This Web and the Holder’s services are not intended to  minors and it does not intentionally collect personal data about minors. In the case this information will unintentionally be registered, the Holder will promptly proceed to remove it upon the users request.

Holder, Responsible and Person in Charge

The Holder of treatment is  Cubo Design S.R.L.  with  registered office in Via Dell’Industria, C.da Stracca, 64032 Atri (TE) Italy.

The updated list of the responsibles and persons in charge of the treatment is  safely guarded at the Holder’s seat.


The terms of this policy might vary. It is advised to regularly monitor the changes and refer to the latest version.

Links to third party websites

Our website could contain link to website not owned by Miton. If you follow that links you will open third party website, we suggest to see their privacy policies.

Log Data

Miton website – like many other – gather informations that your browser send any time opens our page (“Log Data”). This record may include informations such as your computer IP address, browser version, what pages of our website have you visited, date and time of the visit, time spent on our pages and other statistics.


Cookies are text strings of small dimensions sent to your computer by the visited websites (usually to the browser) they are stored and redirected to the same sites on your next visit. During a site navigation, the user can receive on his computer, cookies from different pages or web servers (third party) with elements (such as images, maps, sounds, links to other pages) of the website he is browsing.

A lot of cookies can be stored in a user browser for so much time. They can be used for different purposes: to perform automatic authentication, to track sessions, to store information to improve the navigability of the site or the user’s browsing experience ecc.

This website uses two kind of technical cookies: session cookies for authentication (to navigate through pages of the reserved area) and cookies that store user preferences (as language settings). We use also analytics cookies (Google analytics) to draw up statistics in an aggregate way and in order to improve the performance and functionality of the website.

Session cookies

This website uses the following session cookies:




The use of session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and are removed when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (constituted by random numbers generated by the server) required to allow safe and efficient browsing of the website protected areas.

User settings cookies

This website uses the following cookies to store user settings:




wp-settings and wp-settings-time are stored for one year and renewed at every new access to the site. Without these cookies the website doesn’t memorize reserved area settings. The complianceCookie is stored for one year and renewed at every new access to the site. Disabling this cookie will not allow us to store your settings about cookies installation permission.

Cookies to store language settings

This website uses the following cookies to manage the user’s language settings:



The first one is stored for a year and renowed at every new access to the site. The second one is not stored permanently on the user’s computer and is removed when the browser is closed. Without these cookies the website doesn’t memorize your language preferences.

Analytics cookies

Miton uses The Googe Analytics service of the Google, Inc society (hereafter “Google”) to create statistics in an aggregate way about the way users use the site in order to improve the performance and functionality. Google Analytics employs cookies (third party cookies are not used) that do not store any personal data. Informations about user’s employment of the website (including IP addresses) will be sent anonymously to Google offices 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 and stored in the servers of the company.

To consult the privacy statement of Google Inc. concerning the Google Analytics service please visit

To learn more about Google privacy policy please visit

Analytics cookies installed are:



The first one is installed for 2 years and renewed each time the user visits the website, the secon one lasts for 30 minutes. Disabling this cookies you will not participate to the statistics aboute the way website is used.

By using this site, you agree to the processing of your data by Google in the manner and for the purpose above mentioned.

How to disable cookies (opt-out)

You may deny consent to the placing of Cookies by changing your browser settings, navigation on the site will be available in all its functions with the exception of language preferences.

In the following we will supply you some links about disabling cookies using the most used browsers (for other browsers we suggest to search for this option in the help section of the software):

Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari

Alternatively you can disable only the Google Analytics cookies, using the opt-out component provided by Google for the main browsers.

* This privacy policy was updated on June 4, 2018.